First thing to do after arriving in Poon Yu..Eat lunch..Live Chicken, cant find those in HK anymore
Alot of varieties in da Menu
Ginger, Garlic and Green Onion Fried Fish
Small Abalones, we order 4 and they served us 8
Passed by a cute puppy...What Breed u ask, I have no clue
Me on my Dad's Mopad
Picture of buildings in Shiqiao
Gelato in Poon Yu looks more delicious and appealing than ones in HK or Tor
wow...can access video conferencing in da subway station
Went to a 四川 restaurant again..At first we just thought is a diff restaurant...and than i saw the menu and realized is opened by same owner. This is 四川 way of pouring tea
四川 tea...diff combination of flowers
Had 四川 spicy crab..Is too delicious, cant help but order again
Pork in wraps (non spicy)
Reminds me of a brand
Lunch Buffet at Royal Marina Plaza Hotel (5 Star)
Inside the restaurant
Salmon Sashimi and some kind of Seashell dish
Dad said this is the highest building in Poon Yu, 40 floors
We decide to take Subway back to Shiqiao...Look almost identical to HK MTR
The GuangZhou train is so much shorter than HK MTR trains...I think HK's is 3 times longer
They dont let u have any fun!
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