Always see people lining up to eat at this restaurant, plus inside the restaurant you can see alot of TVB stars pictures plastered on the wall. So I thought the food in this place must be pretty damn good to attract that many ppl, especially their signature dish 豬扒酸辣米綫. One night after school I was extraordinary hungry so decide to go to 阿一 for 豬扒酸辣米綫. OK LA..Not as great as I had expected. So once again I was fooled..At least not as bad as 勝香園 at Central. That restaurant always busy at lunch time because of their "蕃茄蛋通粉". I tried once with ex co-workers at Central. I ate spoon full of the 通粉 and can't eat anymore. The soup is sour, and is basically just tomato sauce mix with water and maybe some butter. Nothing pleasing about it at all (Doh Gey Larn Sig). Only dish that taste good there is their buttered toast. Why that place is the highest regarded restaurant in Central is still mystery to me. "DIM GUY!!"